Getting a flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others from the flu, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Flu shots are available at Shots for Tots/Big Shots clinics for children who are uninsured or Medicaid recipients and for uninsured adults. The flu vaccine is free of charge. Call 512-972-5520 to schedule an appointment.
ImmTrac remembers which vaccines you've had when you can't. This free service safely stores your immunization records in one electronic system. To save time, if you are 18 or older print out this ImmTrac form, fill it out, and bring it with you to your appointment.
Migraciones De Aves Pdf Free
We are committed to protecting the safety and dignity of all migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless persons, regardless of their migratory status, and respecting their human rights and fundamental freedoms. We intend to cooperate closely to facilitate safe, orderly, humane, and regular migration and, as appropriate, promote safe and dignified returns, consistent with national legislation, the principle of non-refoulement, and our respective obligations under international law.
We affirm that regular pathways, including circular and seasonal labor migration opportunities, family reunification, temporary migration mechanisms, and regularization programs promote safer and more orderly migration. We intend to strengthen fair labor migration opportunities in the region, integrating robust safeguards to ensure ethical recruitment and employment free of exploitation, violence, and discrimination, consistent with respect for human rights and with a gender perspective. We intend to promote, in accordance with national legislation, the recognition of qualifications and the portability of social benefits. We intend to pursue accountability for those who commit human rights violations and abuses. We plan to promote access to protection and complementary pathways for asylum seekers, refugees, and stateless persons in accordance with national legislation and with respect for the principle of non-refoulement. We seek to promote border security and management processes that respect human rights and encourage and facilitate lawful, safe, and secure travel within the region. We commit to guarantee human rights to individuals in vulnerable situations and to provide access to international protection, as appropriate. We further intend to provide specialized and gender-responsive attention to individuals in situations of vulnerability.
Movebank is a free, online database of animal tracking data hosted by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior. We help animal tracking researchers to manage, share, protect, analyze and archive their data.
If you have turned on the news lately, you know that the economy seems unclear, and more recently there has been a lot of uncertainty in the job market. Some organizations around the country are making difficult decisions to lay off staff or implement hiring freezes. This can cause unwanted anxiety about what the future holds.
By providing free medical visits and services to the underserved and at-risk community, the clinic provides early medical intervention by treating them and stabilizing their hypertension, diabetes, coronary disease, obesity and other widespread diseases. 2ff7e9595c